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    1. Agenda is plural form of Agendum. From which Language the word Agendum’ has came in English?

    a. Latin
    b. Greek
    c. French
    d. Italian

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    Answer: a. Latin

    Explanation: N/A

    2. What is the singular form of agenda?

    a. agendus
    b. agenda
    c. agendum
    d. agendae

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    Answer: c. agendum

    Explanation: N/A

    3. The plural form of Apexis -

    a. Apexes
    b. Apixes
    c. Apexos
    d. Apexeon

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    Answer: a. Apexes

    Explanation: N/A

    5. Which one of the following is a plural?

    a. news
    b. crises
    c. mathematics
    d. economics

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    Answer: b. crises

    Explanation: N/A

    6. Which one is in singular number?

    a. Phenomena
    b. Criterion
    c. Oases
    d. Ultimata

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    Answer: b. Criterion

    Explanation: N/A

    7. Which one is in plural number?

    a. data
    b. basis
    c. goose
    d. formula

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    Answer: a. data

    Explanation: N/A

    8. Identify the plural word in the following sentence: The report on the issue contain data from a secondary source

    a. report
    b. data
    c. issue
    d. source

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    Answer: b. data

    Explanation: N/A

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