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প্রতিদিনই নতুন নতুন টেস্ট এবং অধ্যায় আপলোড করা হচ্ছে। আপনি চোখ রাখুন আর কোনো মন্তব্য থাকলে পেইজ এর শেষে মন্তব্য বক্স-এ মন্তব্য করুন। ধন্যবাদ।


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বাংলা ভাষা জিজ্ঞাসা

📂 ভাষা 📂 এক কথায় প্রকাশ 📂 ণত্ব ও ষত্ব বিধান 📂 ধ্বনি ও বর্ণ প্রকরণ 📂 ধ্বনির পরিবর্তন 📂 বাংলা ব্যাকরণ ও আলোচ্য বিষয়

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বাংলা ভাষা জিজ্ঞাসা

📂 ভাষা 📂 এক কথায় প্রকাশ 📂 ণত্ব ও ষত্ব বিধান 📂 ধ্বনি ও বর্ণ প্রকরণ 📂 ধ্বনির পরিবর্তন 📂 বাংলা ব্যাকরণ ও আলোচ্য বিষয়



📂সকল বিষয়

ব্যাকরণ অংশ

ধ্বনিতত্ত্ব ধ্বনির পরিবর্তন বর্ণ ণ-ত্ব ও ষ-ত্ব সন্ধি

বাংলা গ্রন্থ সমালোচনা


কৃষ্ণকুমারী নাটক চিত্রাঙ্গদা নাটক জমীদার দর্পণ নাটক ডাকঘর নাটক বিসর্জন নাটক বুড় সালিকের ঘাড়ে রোঁ প্রহসন রক্তকরবী নাটক সিরাজ-উ-দ্দৌলা সুবচন নির্বাসনে উজানে মৃত্যু কিত্তনখােলা টিনের তলােয়ার নূরলদীনের সারা জীবন নেমেসিস নবান্ন রক্তাক্ত প্রান্তর নীল দর্পণ সাজাহান একেই কি বলে সভ্যতা পায়ের আওয়াজ পাওয়া যায় কবর এর উপায় কি প্রহসন বহিপীর সধবার একাদশী


বঙ্গভাষা কবিতা বঙ্গভূমির প্রতি কবিতা মানসী কাব্যগ্রন্থ মেঘনাদবধ কাব্য সাম্যবাদী কাব্যগ্রন্থ অগ্নিবীণা কাব্যগ্রন্থ- দোলন চাঁপা কাব্যগ্রন্থ গীতাঞ্জলি কাব্য তিলােত্তমাসম্ভব-কাব্য বিষের বাঁশী কাব্যগ্রন্থ অনল প্রবাহ ছাড়পত্র একুশে ফেব্রুয়ারি নকশী কাঁথার মাঠ মহাশ্মশান সাঁঝের মায়া সাত সাগরের মাঝি কপােতাক্ষ নদ বনলতা সেন বন্দী শিবির থেকে রাত্রিশেষ সােনালী কাবিন বঙ্গসুন্দরী রূপসী বাংলা


বিষাদ সিন্ধু বাধন হারা উপন্যাস মৃত্যু ক্ষুধা উপন্যাস আদিগন্ত আনােয়ারা আবদুল্লাহ নূরজাহান আরেক-ফাল্গুন আলালের ঘরের দুলাল উত্তম পুরুষ একটি ফুলের জন্য ওঙ্কার কপালকুণ্ডলা কবি কর্ণফুলী কাঁদো নদী কাঁদো কাশবনের কন্যা কৃষ্ণকান্তের উইল ক্রীতদাসের হাসি খাঁচায় খােয়াবনামা গৃহদাহ ঘর মন জানালা চাঁদের অমাবস্যা চিলেকোঠার সেপাই ছাপ্পান্ন হাজার বর্গমাইল জগদ্দল জননী জীবন আমার বােন জোছনা ও জননীর গল্প তিতাস একটি নদীর নাম দুর্গেশনন্দিনী দেবদাস নির্বাসন পথের পাঁচালী পদ্মরাগ পদ্মানদীর মাঝি পাপের সন্তান পােকামাকড়ের ঘরবসতি পিঙ্গল আকাশ পুতুলনাচের ইতিকথা পুবের সূর্য প্রদোষে প্রাকৃতজন বটতলার উপন্যাস যাত্রা রাইফেল রােটি আওরাত লালসালু শ্রীকান্ত সংশপ্তক সারেং বৌ সােনালী মুখােশ সূর্য দীঘল বাড়ী হাঁসুলীবাকের উপকথা হাঙ্গর নদী গ্রেনেড হাজার বছর ধরে হুতােম প্যাচার নকশা


অবরােধবাসিনী আত্মজা ও একটি করবী গাছ কমলাকান্তের দপ্তর দেশে বিদেশে শকুন্তলা আয়না অপূর্ব ক্ষমা গাে-জীবন প্রবন্ধ

প্রাচীন ও মধ্যযুগ

মঙ্গলকাব্য শূন্যপুরাণ চর্যাপদ শ্রীকৃষ্ণকীর্তন পদ্মাবতী লাইলী মজনু ইউসুফ জোলেখা মৈমনসিংহ গীতিকা

গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সাহিত্যিক

মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত মীর মশাররফ হােসেন


অর্থই অনর্থের মূল অর্থসম্পত্তির বিনাশ আছে ... এ জগতে হায় সে ই বেশি চায়... কত বড়ো আমি কহে নকল হীরাটি দণ্ডিতের সাথে দণ্ডদাতা... দুর্নীতি জাতীয় জীবনে... পরের অনিষ্ট চিন্তা করে... পাপকে ঘৃণা কর পাপীকে নয়... প্রয়োজনই উদ্ভাবনের জনক... প্রয়োজনে যে মরিতে প্রস্তুত... প্রাণ থাকলেই প্রাণী হয় কিন্তু... ভোগে নয় ত্যাগেই সুখ... মিথ্যা শুনিনি ভাই এই হৃদয়ের... যে একা সেই সামান্য... স্বদেশের উপকারে নাই যার মন... আপনারে লয়ে বিব্রত রহিতে.. ইচ্ছা-থাকলে-উপায়-হয়... কাঁটা হেরি ক্ষান্ত কেন কমল তুলিতে... চরিত্র মানবজীবনের অমূল্য সম্পদ... জ্ঞানহীন মানুষ পশুর সমান দুর্জন বিদ্বান হইলেও পরিত্যাজ্য... নানান দেশের নানান ভাষা... পরিশ্রম সৌভাগ্যের প্রসূতি পিতামাতা গুরুজনে দেবতুল্য জানি বন্যেরা বনে সুন্দর শিশুরা মাতৃক্রোড়ে লাইব্রেরি জাতির সভ্যতা ও ... লোভে পাপ পাপে মৃত্যু... সবার উপরে মানুষ সত্য... রাত যত গভীর হয় প্রভাত... আলো বলে অন্ধকার তুই বড় কালো... অন্যায় যে করে আর অন্যায় যে... আত্মশক্তি অর্জনই শিক্ষার উদ্দেশ্য... উত্তম নিশ্চিন্তে চলে অধমের সাথে... কীর্তিমানের মৃত্যু নেই... গ্রন্থগত বিদ্যা আর পরহস্তে ধন... জীবে প্রেম করে যেইজন সেইজন... দুঃখের মতো এত বড় পরশপাথর... দ্বার রুদ্ধ করে দিয়ে ভ্রমটাকে... পথ পথিকের সৃষ্টি করে না... বিশ্বের যা কিছু মহান সৃষ্টি... বিশ্রাম কাজের অঙ্গ এক সাথে গাঁথা... মঙ্গল করিবার শক্তিই ধন... যেখানে দেখিবে ছাই উড়াইয়া দেখ তাই.. শিক্ষাই জাতির মেরুদণ্ড শৈবাল দিঘীরে বলে উচ্চ করি শির... সংসার সাগরে দুঃখ তরঙ্গের খেলা... সঙ্গদোষে লোহা ভাসে... সুশিক্ষিত লোক মাত্রই স্বশিক্ষিত... সেই ধন্য নরকুলে লোকে যারে নাহি ভুলে... স্পষ্টভাষী শত্রু নির্বাক মিত্র... স্বাধীনতা অর্জনের চেয়ে...


আমরা চলিব পশ্চাতে ফেলি... আমার একার সুখ... আসিতেছে শুভদিন... ই যে বিটপি শ্রেণি... এসেছে নতুন শিশু... কহিল মনের খেদে... কোথায় স্বর্গ কোথায়... ক্ষমা যেথা ক্ষীণ... ছোট বালুকার কণা বিন্দু... জগৎ জুড়িয়া এক জাতি আছে... তরুতলে বসে পান্থ... ধন্য আশা কুহকিনী... নদী কভু পান... নম নম নম সুন্দরী... নিন্দুকেরে বাসি আমি... পরের কারণে স্বার্থ... পরের মুখে শেখা বুলি... পুণ্যে পাপে দুঃখে সুখে... বিপদে মোরে রক্ষা করো... ভদ্র মোরা শান্ত বড়ো... মরিতে চাহি না আমি... শৈশবে সদুপদেশ... সাম্যের গান গাই... সার্থক জনম আমার... স্বাধীনতা স্পর্শমণি... হউক সে মহাজ্ঞানী... হায় হায় জন্মিয়া... হে দারিদ্র্য তুমি মোরে... হে সূর্য শীতের সূর্য...


অতীতকে ভুলে যাও... অপরের জন্য তুমি প্রাণ... অভাব আছে বলিয়াই... আজকের দুনিয়াটা আশ্চর্যভাবে... একজন মানুষ ভালো কি... শ্রম আমাদের দেশে... কিসে হয় মর্যাদা... কোনো সভ্য জাতিকে... ক্রোধ মানুষের পরম... খুব ছোট ছিদ্রের মধ্য... ছাত্রজীবন আমাদের... জাতিকে শক্তিশালী-শ্রেষ্ঠ... জাতি শুধু বাইরের... জীবনের একটি প্রধান লক্ষ্য... তুমি জীবনকে সার্থক... নিন্দা না থাকিলে... নিষ্ঠুর ও কঠিন মুখ... পৃথিবীতে যেখানে... প্রকৃত জ্ঞানের স্পৃহা... বিদ্যা মানুষের... ভবিষ্যতের ভাবনা... মানুষ সৃষ্টির শ্রেষ্ঠ... মানুষের জীবনকে... মানুষের মূল্য... মানুষের সুন্দর... মুখে অনেকেই... রূপার চামচ মুখে... শ্রমকে শ্রদ্ধার সঙ্গে... সত্য ওজন দরে... সময় ও স্রোত... সমস্ত পৃথিবীর... সমাজের কাজ... সুশিক্ষিত লোকমাত্রই... সূর্যের আলোতে...

বাংলা প্রবন্ধ রচনা

অধ্যবসায় আমাদের গ্রাম আমাদের দেশ আমাদের বিদ্যালয় জীবনের লক্ষ্য আমার প্রিয় শিক্ষক ইন্টারনেট ও বাংলাদেশ একুশে ফেব্রুয়ারি কর্মমুখী শিক্ষা কুটিরশিল্প খেলাধুলার প্রয়োজনীয়তা গ্রন্থাগার চরিত্র ছাত্রজীবনের দায়িত্ব ও কর্তব্য জাতির জনক বঙ্গবন্ধু... দেশ ভ্রমণ পিতা মাতার প্রতি কর্তব্য বই পড়ার আনন্দ বাংলাদেশের উৎসব বাংলাদেশের কৃষক বাংলাদেশের নদ নদী বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধ বাংলাদেশের ষড়ঋতু বাংলা নববর্ষ বিজয় দিবস শহিদ বুদ্ধিজীবী দিবস শহিদ মিনার শিষ্টাচার শৃঙ্খলা/নিয়মানুবর্তিতা শ্রমের মর্যাদা সংবাদপত্র সততা স্বদেশপ্রেম স্বাধীনতা দিবস আমার দেখা একটি মেলা আমার প্রিয় খেলা আমার শৈশব স্মৃতি ইভ টিজিং একটি ঐতিহাসিক স্থান শীতের সকাল কম্পিউটার বিজ্ঞানের বিস্ময় কৃষিকাজে বিজ্ঞান ক্রিকেট বিশ্বে বাংলাদেশ গ্রাম্য মেলা চিকিৎসা ক্ষেত্রে বিজ্ঞান জাতি গঠনে নারীসমাজের ভূমিকা দ্রব্যমূল্য বৃদ্ধি ও তার প্রতিকার পরিবেশ দূষণ ও প্রতিকার বর্ষণমুখর একটি সন্ধ্যা বর্ষাকাল বাংলাদেশের জনসংখ্যা সমস্যা ও... বাংলাদেশের পোশাক শিল্প বাংলাদেশের প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগ... বাংলাদেশের বেকার সমস্যা ও.. বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি ও... বিদ্যুৎ ও আধুনিক জীবন বিশ্ব যোগাযোগে ইন্টারনেটের ভূমিকা বৃক্ষরোপণ অভিযান ভূমিকম্প ঝুঁকিতে বাংলাদেশ মাদকাসক্তি ও তার প্রতিকার সমাজকল্যাণে ছাত্রসমাজের ভূমিকা

বাংলা অনুচ্ছেদ

বাংলা নববর্ষ বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধ একুশে বইমেলা প্রিয় শিক্ষক পিতা-মাতা শিক্ষাসফর আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস অতিথি পাখি বর্ষণমুখর দিন নারী শিক্ষা সড়ক দুর্ঘটনা বই পড়া সত্যবাদিতা বিদ্যালয়ের শেষ দিন পহেলা ফাল্গুন ডিজিটাল বাংলাদেশ সততা দুর্নীতি আমাদের লোকশিল্প যানজট কম্পিউটার শীতের সকাল বিশ্বায়ন মহান বিজয় দিবস পরিবেশ দূষণ জাতীয় পতাকা ইন্টারনেট স্বেচ্ছায় রক্তদান

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📂 বাংলা

বাংলা ভাষা ও লিপি-01 বাংলা ভাষা ও লিপি-02 বাংলা ভাষা ও লিপি-03 সাধু ও চলিত রীতি -01 সাধু ও চলিত রীতি -02 বাংলা ব্যাকরণের বিকাশ-01 বাংলা ব্যাকরণের বিকাশ-02 ধ্বনি-01 ধ্বনি-02 বর্ণ-01 বর্ণ-02 ণ-ত্ব ও ষ-ত্ব বিধান সন্ধি-01 সন্ধি-02 সন্ধি-03 সন্ধি-04 সন্ধি-05 বচন সমাস-01 সমাস-02 সমাস-03 সমাস-04 সমাস-05 উপসর্গ ও অনুসর্গ-০১ উপসর্গ ও অনুসর্গ-০২ ধাতু প্রত্যয়-০১ প্রত্যয়-০২ শব্দ-০১ শব্দ -০২ শব্দ -০৩ পদ প্রকরণ-০১ পদ প্রকরণ-০২ কাল,পুরুষ,বাংলা অনুজ্ঞা কারক ও বিভক্তি-01 কারক ও বিভক্তি-02 বাক্য প্রকরণ বিরাম চিহ্ন বিরাম চিহ্ন-02 ছন্দ ও অলংকার প্রয়োগ-অপপ্রয়োগ বানান ও বাক্য শুদ্ধি -০১ বানান ও বাক্য শুদ্ধি -০২ বানান ও বাক্য শুদ্ধি -০৩ বানান ও বাক্য শুদ্ধি -০৪ বানান ও বাক্য শুদ্ধি -০৫ বানান ও বাক্য শুদ্ধি -০৬ সমার্থক শব্দ-০১ সমার্থক শব্দ-০২ সমার্থক শব্দ-০৩ সমার্থক শব্দ-০৪ সমার্থক শব্দ-০৫ বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ-01 বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ-02 বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ-03 বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ-04 পরিভাষা-01 পরিভাষা-02 পরিভাষা-03 বাগধারা-০১ বাগধারা-০২ বাগধারা-০৩ এক কথায় প্রকাশ-০১ এক কথায় প্রকাশ-০২ এক কথায় প্রকাশ-০৩ এক কথায় প্রকাশ-০৪ এক কথায় প্রকাশ-০৫ প্রবাদ-প্রবচন অনুবাদ ছন্দ ও অলংকার একই শব্দের বিভিন্নার্থে প্রয়োগ বিবিধ-০১ বিবিধ-০২

📂 English MCQ test

✓ Test on noun-01 ✓ Test on noun-02 ✓ Test on noun-03 ✓ Test on noun-04 ✓ Test on noun-05
✓ Test on pronoun-01 ✓ Test on pronoun-02
✓ Test on gender-01 ✓ Test on gender-02
✓ Test on number-01 ✓ Test on number-02

📂 BCS model test

✓ BCS english model test-01 ✓ BCS english model test-02 ✓ BCS english model test-03 ✓ BCS english model test-04 ✓ BCS english model test-05 ✓ BCS english model test-06 ✓ BCS english model test-07 ✓ BCS english model test-08 ✓ BCS english model test-09 ✓ BCS english model test-10 ✓ BCS english model test-11 ✓ BCS english model test-12 ✓ BCS english model test-13 ✓ BCS english model test-14 ✓ BCS english model test-15 ✓ BCS english model test-16 ✓ BCS english model test-17

📂 Math MCQ test

Number system-01 Number system-02 Number system-03 Number system-04 Number system-05 Number system-06 Number system-07 Number system-08 Number system-09 Number system-10
Divisibility-01 Divisibility-02 Divisibility-03 Divisibility-04 Divisibility-05
Fraction-01 Fraction-02 Fraction-03 Fraction-04 Fraction-05
Factors-01 Factors-02

Enrich yourself

Paragraph for HSC

Adolescence A Good Teacher An Ideal Student A Street Hawker Baishakhi Mela Bangabandhu Banglatown Beauty Pahela Baishakh Role of Women Computer Conflict Crafts of Bangladesh Diaspora Dream Drug addiction Early Rising Earthquake Education E-learning Environment Pollution Etiquette and Manners Female Education Festivals in Banglades Folk Music food adulteration Food-Eating-habits-of-Bangladeshi Friendship Future-Scientific.. Gazi Pir Gender Discrimination Global Warming Greenhouse Effect Hercules Higher Education... Human Rights Global Peace Internet Kalpana Chawla Kuakata May Day Modern Technology My Best Friend My Country Favourite Teacher National Flag Necessity of Learning English nelson mandela Orpheus College Library Patriotism Peace Movement Price hike Punctuality Sound Pollution Street Accident Street Children The Hakaluki Haor Scientific Achievements The River Buriganga The 7th March Speech The-Sundarbans and.. Tourist Spots of... Traffic Education Traffic Jam in Dhaka Travelling Tree Plantation Usefulness of E mail Uses and Abuses of Cell Phone Valentina tereshkova World Heritage Sites in ... Air Pollution A Picnic I Enjoyed A Rainy Day A Stormy Night A Winter Morning Good Manners Illiteracy ...Reading-Newspaper Traffic Jam Your Hobby A Book Fair A Journey by Train A Moonlit Night A Zoo I Visited Bangladeshi Culture Bangla New Year Book Fair Eid-ul-Fitr Child Labour in... Climate change Deforestation Digital Bangladesh Dowry System Early premature Marriage English as an International... Environment and Ecology Eve Teasing Extended Family Facebook Games and Sports Gender Equality Globalisation Good Health How to Keep in Good Health Mother Language Day Kitchen Garden Leisure Life of a Beggar Load Shedding My Childhood First Day at College Natural Hazards/Calamities Necessity of Education Our Liberation War Satellite TV Channels Self Employment Shaheed Minar SIDR Smoking Social Values The City Town You Live In The Family I Live In The Victory Day Unfair Means in the exam. Water Pollution

পরীক্ষা দিন


ভাষা আলোচ্য বিষয় ধ্বনি বর্ণ ণ-ত্ব ও ষ-ত্ব সন্ধি-01 সন্ধি-02 সন্ধি-03 সন্ধি-04 সন্ধি-05 পুরুষ ও স্ত্রী বাচক শব্দ দ্বিরুক্ত শব্দ সংখাবাচক শব্দ বচন পদাশ্রিত নির্দেশক সমাস সমাস সমাস সমাস সমাস উপসর্গ-০১ উপসর্গ-০২ উপসর্গ ধাতু প্রত্যয় শব্দ শব্দের শ্রেণিবিভাগ পদ প্রকরণ ক্রিয়া পদ ক্রিয়ার প্রয়োগ কাল,পুরুষ বাংলা অনুজ্ঞা ক্রিয়া বিভক্তি কারক ও বিভক্তি-01 কারক ও বিভক্তি-02 অনুসর্গ বাক্য প্রকরণ বাক্যর শ্রেণিবিভাগ বাক্যর পদ-সংস্থাপন ক্রম শব্দের যোগ্যতা বাচ্য ও বাচ্য পরিবর্তন উক্তি পরিবর্তন বিরাম চিহ্ন ছন্দ ও অলংকার প্রয়োগ-অপপ্রয়োগ বানান ও বাক্য শুদ্ধি সমার্থক শব্দ বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ পরিভাষা একই শব্দ বিভিন্ন অর্থে প্রয়োগ বাগধারা-০১ বাগধারা-০২ বাগধারা-০৩ এক কথায় প্রকাশ-০১ এক কথায় প্রকাশ-০২ এক কথায় প্রকাশ-০৩ এক কথায় প্রকাশ-০৪ এক কথায় প্রকাশ-০৫ প্রবাদ-প্রবচন অনুবাদ

A complete Paragraph list for HSC exam

01. Paragraph on Food Adulteration

Food adulteration means making food or drink less pure by adding or mixing another substance to it. Nowadays foods are often adulterated. In hotels and restaurants stale and rotten foods are mixed with fresh food and served to the customers Continue...

02. Paragraph on Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is an icon of the struggle for justice across the world. He was the great leader of anti-racist movement in South Africa. He freed South Africa from the shackles of apartheid and made it a multi-racial democratic country. Continue...

03. Paragraph on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, known as Bangabandhu, is the 'Greatest Bengali of All Time'. He was born in a respectable Muslim family on 17 March, 1920, at Tungipara village under the Gopalganj district. Continue...

04. Paragraph on The Significance of the 7th March Speech

The 7th March 1971 is a memorable day in the history of the Bengali nation. On this day Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding father of the nation, gave a historical speech that directed the whole nation in those days of turmoil and unrest. Continue...

05. Paragraph on Valentina Tereshkova

Valentina Tereshkova is a famous astronaut and living legend. She was born on 6 March 1937 in the village Maslennikovo, Tutayevsky district, in central Russia. At first she was a textile worker in a factory. After the space flight of Yuri Gagarin in 1961, the Soviet Union decided to send a woman in space. Continue...

06. Paragraph on Kalpana Chawla

Kalpana Chawla was a famous astronaut. She died in an aerospace accident. She was born in Karnal, India on 17 March, 1962. She is the first Indian-born woman and the second person in space from the sub-continent. Continue...

07. Paragraph on Traffic Jam in Dhaka

Traffic jam is a severe problem in Dhaka city. It hampers the normal flow of citizens' life. Various types of vehicles run in the roads and become the cause of annoyance of the common people. They cannot go to their destination in time. Continue...

08. Paragraph on Traffic Education

Traffic education means a training on traffic rules and regulations and also on penalties if they are breached. It intends for public awareness of traffic system ensuring their security from unexpected accidents on roads. Continue...

09. Paragraph on Food/Eating habits of Bangladeshi people

Food habits refer to the habits or practices of taking food of the people of a particular society or a country. These habits differ from one society or country to another. In Bangladesh, different people like different kinds of foods according to their own choice and taste. Continue...

10. Paragraph on Adolescence

Children pass through several stages to become adult. There are four or five stages of growth: infancy, early childhood, later childhood, and adolescence. There are some who try to act older than their age. But Continue...

11. Paragraph on Higher Education in Bangladesh

Higher education system in Bangladesh has a long way of more than one hundred and fifty years of intellectual development. There are 35 government, 79 private and 3 international universities. At the higher level, universities are regulated by the University Grants Commission. Continue...

12. Paragraph on Friendship

A friend is a person that someone likes or knows. People who are friends talk to each other and spend time together. They also help each other when they are in trouble or are hurt. Sometimes people can't tell their secrets to their parents so they tell it to their friends. Continue...

13. Paragraph on The River Buriganga

The Buriganga is a famous river flowing by Dhaka, the capital city of the country. This river had a glorious past. It was a tributary of the mighty Ganges and flowed into the Bay of Bengal through the Dhaleshwari. Continue...

14. Paragraph on The Hakaluki Haor

Bangladesh is full of waterbodies like rivers, canals, beels and haors. Hakaluki Haor is one of the major wetlands of the country. It is a complex ecosystem, containing more than 238 interconnecting beels and jalmahals. Continue...

15. Paragraph on Kuakata

Kuakata is a rare scenic spot located on the southernmost tip of Bangladesh. It is locally known as 'sagar kannya' that means the daughter of the sea. It is in Latachapli union under Kalapara police station of Patuakhali district. Continue...

16. Paragraph on Beauty

Beauty is an abstract idea which creates a great pleasure to the senses or to the mind of a person. In fact it is a feeling which pacifies one's mind and it varies from person to person. We find beauty in many things around us. Beauty is found in nature, in human character, in the kindness of a person, in the laughter of children etc. Continue...

17. Paragraph on The Sundarbans and the Royal Bengal Tiger

The Sundarbans is a vast mangrove forest shared by Bangladesh and India, across the coastline of the Bay of Bengal. The forest is famous as a habitat of our national beast Royal Bengal Tiger. But it is an alarming news that 71% of the forest's coastline is retreating by nearly 200 meters a year as a result of soil erosion. Continue...

18. Paragraph on Human Rights

Human rights are the rights that are inherent in all human beings in spite of their different identities. The basic or fundamental rights include human's social rights, civil rights, political rights, cultural rights, religious rights and economic rights etc. Everyone has the right to keep one's privacy, honour, nationality, family, freedom of thought and expression, association, and suffrage. Continue...

19. Paragraph on Gazi Pir

Gazi Pir is a legendary or mythic character. According to legend, he was a Muslim saint who helped the spread of Islam in the parts of Bengal close to the Sundarbans. He is said to have done many miracles. People believe he could calm dangerous animals and make them docile. Continue...

20. Paragraph on Orpheus

Orpheus is a character of antique Greek mythology. He is a mythic god. Son of Apollo and the Muse Calliope, he was awarded a lyre by his father and also taught to play upon it. He played on the lyre with so perfection that no other person's performance was comparable to it. Continue...

21. Paragraph on Hercules

Hercules is a famous character of antique Greek mythology. He was the son of Jupiter, the king of gods, and Alcmena. He was assigned with some difficult tasks by Eurystheus, the king of Mycenae and his cousin. Those tasks are known as the 'twelve labours of Hercules' in Greek mythology. Continue...

22. Paragraph on Dream

Philosophers have been fascinated with dreams for thousands of years, but empirical research and scientific study on it has begun only in recent times. Dreams can be extraordinarily vivid or vague; it can be either joyful or frightening; and also can be understandable or confusing. Continue...

23. Paragraph on Diaspora

The word 'diaspora' means those people who have left their homelands and settled in other parts of the world, either because they were forced to leave their homeland or they liked to live in their own way. The word is used for a collective group or a community. Continue...

24. Paragraph on Banglatown

Banglatown is a locality in East London, inhabited by Bangladeshi diaspora in Britain. British-Bangladeshis, also known as British- Bengalis, are an important part of the people of Bangladeshi origin living abroad. Almost half of the British-Bangladeshis live in Banglatown. Continue...

25. Paragraph on Conflict

Conflict means a disagreement among groups or individuals characterized by antagonism and hostility. It is mainly caused by the opposition of one party to another, and it comes as a result of one party's attempt to reach an objective different from the other party's goal. Continue...

26. Paragraph on Peace Movement

A peace movement is a social movement. It seeks to achieve such goals as the ending of a particular war (or all wars), minimizing inter-human violence and achieving world peace. It is basically an all-encompassing "anti-war movement", primarily characterized by a belief that human beings should not wage war on each other or engage in violent disputes on race, religion, language, ideology or natural resources. Continue...

27. Paragraph on Importance of Global Peace

The issue of war and peace has always been a focal issue in all periods of history of the world. Today establishment of peace in the world is one of the major challenges for the world leaders. Peace doesn't only refer to the end of war, rather it is more than that. Continue...

28. Paragraph on The Recent Scientific Achievements

The Modern Age is the age of science. We have had a tremendous advancement in the field of science and technology in the last one and a half century. The first remarkable work was the invention of electricity. The first house was lighted with electricity in the 1870s. Continue...

29. Paragraph on Future Scientific Breakthroughs

Science seems to have limitless possibilities. It has already taken the civilization to a height with a huge number of inventions. It has blessed human life with automobiles, electricity, radio, TV, modern medicare, computer and information technology. Continue...

30. Paragraph on Folk Music

Folk music means that type of ancient music that springs from the heart of a community, based on their natural style of expression uninfluenced by classical music or modern popular songs. Continue...

31. Paragraph on Crafts of Bangladesh

A craftwork is an applied form of art. It is a social and cultural product reflecting the inclusive nature of folk imagination. A craftwork, though doesn't bear the maker's signature, retains a personal touch. 'Nakshikantha' is a fine example of Bangladeshi craftwork. Continue...

32. Paragraph on Education

Education is a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools or colleges to improve knowledge and develop skills. Education enlightens the mind and broadens the outlook. There are two kinds of education informal and formal. Continue...

33. Paragraph on Tourist Spots of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is the darling child of nature. So, she has been blessed with innumerable natural scenic spots all over the country. All these beautiful places are the tourists' attraction from home and abroad. The National Park at Gazipur, Continue...

34. Paragraph on Travelling

Travelling means going from one place to another for different purposes. They also explore to see the unseen and know the unknown. The travellers always travel the most beautiful places of the world which uphold the existence of nature. Continue...

Non-textual paragraph

35. Paragraph on Environment Pollution

Environmental pollution refers to the pollution of natural conditions, land, air and water in which human beings, animals and plants live. There are various types of pollution in the environment. Air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution, arsenic pollution are some of them. Continue...

36. Paragraph on Drug addiction

Drug addiction, as curse in modern age leads to an untimely miserable death of the addicts. Drug addiction is the habit of using non-prescribed medicine for exciting feelings. Opium, hemp, heroine, morphine, yaba, phensidyl etc. are the main drugs taken in our country. Continue...

37. Paragraph on My Best Friend

Good friends are very rare in these fast changing days. Old values have gone and new ones have not yet come. I am lucky to have a number of friends. Among them I have a special one and we love each other very much. Continue...

38. Paragraph on An Ideal Student

An ideal student is an all-rounder having many different qualities, skills and abilities. He/she is an asset for the school and for the country. Punctuality is a good virtue for all. An ideal student is always regular and punctual in attending the class and submitting the assignment. Continue...

39. Paragraph on Modern Technology

Present age is the age of science and technology. Modern technology is a great blessing for present civilization. We see the use of modern technology in every sphere of our life. We can't think of our modern life without science and technology. Continue...

40. Paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Cell Phone

Cell Phone is a great invention of modern science. It is called so because a user can carry it wherever he goes out. It has made the interpersonal communication very easy and fast. One can communicate with the expected person within a few seconds through a mobile phone. Continue...

41. Paragraph on Internet

Internet, the latest and most wonderful means of worldwide communication, is a computer-based global network system that has created a great revolution in the world. It is the cheapest and fastest means of communication for business and commerce. Continue...

42. Paragraph on Necessity of Learning English

The necessity of learning English is beyond description. English is that common language which is used and understood all over the world. It has become the second language of our country. We need to know the language for many reasons. Continue...

43. Paragraph on Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination is the practice of treating any gender of the society unfairly. When any person of one particular gender is not given his or her rights, gender discrimination begins. Female persons of our society are the worst (Pig Lvivc) sufferers of this discrimination. Continue...

44. Paragraph on Female Education

Female education is very essential for the overall development of a nation. More or less, half of the population of a country is female. Continue...

45. Paragraph on Earthquake

Earthquake is one of the most common natural calamities on earth. Earthquake is an abrupt movement of a part of the Earth's surface caused by deep crack in the Earth or by volcanic eruption . It causes great disaster. Continue...

46. Paragraph on Computer

Computer is a wonderful invention of modern science. It is a complex electronic machine that consists of innumerable ingredients. Now there are normally two types of computer. They are desktop and laptop. Continue...

47. Paragraph on Celebration of Pahela Baishakh

Culture is the way we lead our life. Every nation has a culture of its own. Pahela Baishakh, the first day of Bangla New Year is a part and parcel of Bengali culture. It is celebrated throughout the country with great festivity and fervour. Continue...

48. Paragraph on My Country/Bangladesh/Homeland

Bangladesh lies on the shore of the Bay of Bengal in the South of Asia. India surrounds the other three sides of this tiny country. She got her freedom once from Britain in 1947 and next from Pakistan on 16th December, 1971. Continue...

49. Paragraph on Price hike/Price spiral

Price hike or the increase of price of the daily essential commodities is the most talked about issue at the present time. In our country it has become a usual phenomenon now. Continue...

50. Paragraph on Good Health

Good health refers to the soundness of both mental and physical health. People with good health are fit, active and free from diseases. Obviously, good health is the root of all happiness. But, to maintain good health is not an easy task. Continue...

51. Paragraph on Deforestation

Trees are the best friends of human on earth. When trees are cut indiscriminately and forests are destroyed massively, we cause deforestation. People cut trees for various reasons. Continue...

52. Paragraph on The 21st February or, International Mother Language Day

The 21st February is the Language Martyrs' Day. On this very day in 1952, Barkat, Rafiq, Jabbar, Shafiur and Salam sacrificed their lives for the honour and preservation of their dear mother tongue, Bangla. On 17 November 1999, UNESCO declared this day as International Mother Language Day. Continue...

53. Paragraph on Life of a Beggar

A beggar is a person who begs to others from door to door for his livelihood. He is usually an old, blind, crippled or disabled person. He is found in torn or patched clothes. Begging is unproductive. It does not produce anything. That is why, Continue...

54. Paragraph on Load Shedding

Load Shedding is an often-heard term nowadays in our country. It means the suspension of the supply of electricity for a certain period. There are various causes of load-shedding. Insufficient production of electricity is one of them. Continue...

55. Paragraph on Climate change

Changes in the earth’s weather including changes in temperature, wind patterns and rainfall refer to as climate change. Climate change is a long term change in weather patterns over a long period of time. It is now a major global concern. Continue...

56. Paragraph on Book Fair

Nowadays book fairs are well-known to most of the people both in villages and towns. A book fair is a display of a great stock of books of various interests. Every year many book fairs are held in different places of our country. Continue...

57. Paragraph on Culture

Culture means the established customs and beliefs, art, ways of life etc of a particular society or of a country. The culture of a nation reflects its ideas, attitudes and social condition. The elements of culture are its own language, Continue...

58. Paragraph on Bangla New Year

The first day of Bangla New Year is Pahela Baishakh. It is one of the most popular public celebrations in the life of Bangladeshis. This day bears a special significance to us. Continue...

59. Paragraph on Natural Hazards/Natural Calamities

Natural hajards/calamities pose a great threat to the ecological balance of a country. Natural calamities such as floods, cyclones, earthquakes and erosion etc. are very dangerous by nature. Bangladesh is called a land of natural calamities. Continue...

60. Paragraph on Satellite TV Channels : A Source of Cultural Interaction

Satellite TV is one of the greatest achievements of modern science. Now, it is regarded as the medium of information, entertainment, telecast, education and many others. Continue...

61. Paragraph on Water Pollution

Pollution is the process of making the element of environment dirty. The elements of environment such as water, air, soil etc are getting polluted every day. Of all the pollutions, water pollution is the most threatening to our life. Continue...

62. Paragraph on Globalisation

At present, globalisation is an often-heard term all over the world. Globalisation is mainly connected with business, trade and international relations by creating a borderless world. The world has now become a global village. Continue...

63. Paragraph on Dowry System

Dowry is an unexpected custom in our society. Like other social evils, it is a curse. At present, it is practised in both educated and uneducated families. Guardians buy bridegrooms for their daughters by offering money, jewellery and furniture. Continue...

64. Paragraph on Gender Equality

Gender equality means the practice of treating any gender fairly. It is very important in every society through the whole world. According to the United Nations, gender equality is regarded the first and foremost human right. Continue...

65. Paragraph on Eve Teasing

Eve teasing, often known as "Sexual harassment", is a regular occurrence for the women and girls of Bangladesh. It is a malpractice of male person and it is inserted upon a female person physically and mentally with a bad intention in different ways. Continue...

66. Paragraph on The Family I Live In

There are two types of family found in our society, one is extended or large family and the other is nuclear or small family. In an extended family people live with their parents, grand parents, uncles, aunts and cousins. Continue...

67. Paragraph on Our Liberation War/War of Independence

Liberation/Independence means freedom. So, liberation war/war of independence means the war which is fought for the freedom of a country from foreign domination. The emergence of Bangladesh is a history of grief and pride Continue...

68. Paragraph on My Childhood Memories

I often remember the memories of my childhood. I was born in a small village named Hulerhat on the bank of the river Kajolia. It was a place of scenic beauty. There were many trees, ponds, green fields in the village. Continue...

69. Paragraph on My First Day at College

The first day of my college life is one of the few evergreen memories of my life. I got admitted to Faujdarhat Cadet College, Chittagong and was waiting for attending classes with excitement. Continue...

70. Paragraph on Early/Premature Marriage

Premature marriage is the marriage of boys and girls who have not yet reached the age of marriage. Although the government of Bangladesh has fixed 18 and 21 years for girls and boys respectively, people especially in the rural areas tend to marry their sons and daughters off earlier than the expected time. Continue...

71. Paragraph on Smoking : A Habitual Sickness

Smoking is a very bad habit which is injurious to health. Inhaling the smoke of burnt tobacco is called smoking. The tobacco can be either burnt in a device called pipe or it can be wrapped and rolled in a piece of tobacco leaf paper. Continue...

72. Paragraph on Shaheed Minar

Shaheed Minar is the symbol of our love, sincere interest and supreme sacrifice for our language. It is located in front of Dhaka Medical College. Hamidur Rahman, a famous architect designed this significant monument. Continue...

73. Paragraph on SIDR

SIDR is the name of a cyclone. It was a destructive natural calamity. SIDR means eye. The centre of the cyclone looks like human's eyes. So, it is named SIDR by climatologists. SIDR breaks all of the previous records of cyclones on speed. Continue...

74. Paragraph on Necessity of Education

Education is the backbone of a nation. It is a formal process of institutional learning. For the development of the mind and soul of every human being, education is very much essential. It builds the personality of a person and makes his worth to meet challenges. Continue...

75. Paragraph on Games and Sports

Health is wealth. No one is able to keep good health without physical exercise. Games and sports are the finest kind of exercise. Exhilarating and entertaining games are popular to all. Football, cricket, tennis, basketball, swimming, shooting etc. are common sports. Continue...

76. Paragraph on A Journey by Train I Enjoyed

During the last summer vacation, I along with my uncle made a journey by train from Dhaka to Sylhet. We went there to enjoy the natural beauties of hills and tea gardens. We reached the station in time and got into the train. Continue...

77. Paragraph on Environment and Ecology

The environment refers to the air, water and land in which people, animals and plants live. Human beings, animals, plants, air, water and soil make up the environment. Continue...

78. Paragraph on Kitchen Garden

A kitchen garden is a garden where we grow different types of vegetables and fruits for the use of our family. A family is greatly benefited by making a kitchen garden very close to its homestead. Continue...

79. Paragraph on A Zoo I Visited

The name of the zoo I visited is the Mirpur Zoo. The Mirpur Zoo which is located at Mirpur in Dhaka is the biggest zoo in our country. A few days back, I along with some of my friends visited the zoo. In the morning, we entered into the zoo and spent five hours there. Continue...

80. Paragraph on Leisure/Pastimes

Leisure is the period which is spent at one's own will. In our every day life, we have to be busy most of the time and if we get some moments or more, we pass it in a simple carefree way. We don't do anything serious in our leisure. Continue...

81. Paragraph on Unfair Means in the Examination

To lead a civilized life, everybody needs proper education. Unfair means in the examination is a barrier to proper education. But, it is a great regret that many students adopt unfair means in the examination. As a student, Continue...

82. Paragraph on Social Values

Social values refer to customs, beliefs, social practices and norms, behaviourial patterns and attitude of a particular social community. Social values shape the life of a person to a great extent. Continue...

83. Paragraph on The City/Town You Live In

I am happy and fortunate enough to enjoy a lot of modern facilities and amenities. It is because I am a town dweller. The town I live in is the biggest and most famous in my mother land. Continue...

84. Paragraph on How to Keep in Good Health

Health is the greatest wealth in the life of a man. The importance of keeping in good health is precise in every walk of our life. In order to keep in good health first of all one needs to follow the rules of health and cleanliness. Continue...

85. Paragraph on Celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr

Eid-ul-Fitr is one of the two religious festivals of the Muslims. We eagerly await this day after having a fasting for thirty days. This day is celebrated with great religious gravity by the Muslims. However, Continue...

86. Paragraph on A Moonlit Night

A moonlit night is a wonderful and enjoyable presentation of nature. A moonlit night is a great pleasure and source of recreation for the people of almost all ages, tastes and temperaments. The night in which the moon shines brightly in the cloudless clear sky is generally known as a moonlit night. Continue...

87. Paragraph on Extended Family

I live in an extended family with my parents, two brothers, grandparents and my uncles. It is a family where all members share each other's feelings. The household activities are also done together. Continue...

88. Paragraph on English as an International Language

Language is a medium of expressing thoughts, feelings, emotions and passions. English is called an international language because in many countries for a long time English has been being used for international communication. Continue...

89. Paragraph on The Victory Day

Bangladesh is not a very aged country though in this short span of time many significant events took place in its history. The 16th December is the Victory Day of Bangladesh. The day is a red-letter day in the life history of Bangladesh. Continue...

90. Paragraph on A Book Fair I Visited

During last February I went to visit the Ekusey Boi Mela which was full of events and experiences. The fair took place on Bangla Academy premises. It is the biggest and most gorgeous book fair of the country. I went to the fair with my friends. Continue...

91. Paragraph on Bangladeshi Culture

Bangladesh has a very old, rich and distinctive cultural heritage. We have our own language, dress, food habit, manner of eating, manner of speaking, mode of behaviour, games and sports, social values and customs, religion, profession, music, art, literature etc. Continue...

92. Paragraph on Self-Employment

Self-employment is the best employment that makes a man individually strong. It refers to 'not working for an employer but finding work for oneself or having one's own business'. That is, when a man or woman himself/ herself arranges a source of work is called self-employment. Continue...

93. Paragraph on Child Labour in Bangladesh

Though child labour is severely prohibited by law, it is still prevalent in the third world countries like Bangladesh. Child labour refers to the physical labour done by the children from 8 to 18. The condition of these working children is very painful. Continue...

94. Paragraph on Facebook

Facebook is a very popular social networking site which has both advantages and disadvantages. It is a great way to keep in touch with your family and friends that live far away. With instant messaging and even video chat, Facebook is the perfect environment to stay connected. Continue...

95. Paragraph on Digital Bangladesh

'Digital Bangladesh' means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT based society where information will be available on line and where all possible tasks of the government and other non-government or semi-government will be performed using digital technology. Continue...

96. Paragraph on Importance of Reading Newspaper

Reading newspaper is a good habit which provides us to know a lot of essential things of home and abroad. People read them for both pleasure and information. A politician can learn about political situations. Continue...

97. Paragraph on A Winter Morning

A winter morning is both enjoyable and distressful. It is naturally a very cold morning. There is dense fog all around. Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun rays can't get through it. Nothing can be seen even at a little distance. Continue...

98. Paragraph on A Stormy Night

A stormy night is very horrible for the rural people and especially those living in thatched huts of our country. Last year I had a terrible and devastating experience of a stormy night. Continue...

99. Paragraph on A Rainy Day

A rainy day is a day on which it rains in torrents continuously. The day is dull and gloomy. The sky remains cloudy all day long. The sky is not seen. Sometimes it rains heavily; sometimes it drizzles and sometimes gusts of wind blow. Continue...

100. Paragraph on A Picnic I Enjoyed

Last winter I went on a picnic which was full of enjoyment. We went to the National Park. Some of my classmates arranged the picnic. We were fifteen in number. We hired a microbus earlier. Within half an hour we got out of the city. Continue...

101. Paragraph on Good Manners

The term 'manners' means the behaviour that is considered to be polite in a particular society or culture. Manners can be good or bad. For example, it is a bad manner to speak with food in one's mouth. Manners vary from culture to culture and from society to society. Continue...

102. Paragraph on Your Hobby

Hobby is a pleasant pastime. It means a favourite occupation of a man. But it is not his main business. Gardening is my favourite hobby which gives me much pleasure at my leisure. I have a small garden in front of our house. Continue...

103. Paragraph on Traffic Jam

Traffic jam refers to a serious road block when there is a long line of vehicles plying on the road. Now it has become a common scenario of roads and streets in the big towns and cities of our country. Thus it has posed a major problem for the people. Continue...

104. Paragraph on Air Pollution

Air, one of the most important elements of our environment, is getting polluted continuously posing a great threat to our existence. No human or animal can survive without air. This essential element of our environment is getting polluted in various ways. Continue...

105. Paragraph on Illiteracy

Illiteracy is undoubtedly a curse to a nation as it hinders all development works of the country. The progress of a country can not be thought of keeping its people illiterate. Continue...

106. Paragraph on Usefulness of E-mail

E-mail or Electronic mail is one of the many modern devices of communication of textual message via electronic means. A personal computer, a modem and a telephone connection are needed for email Continue...

107. Paragraph on Tree/Tree Plantation

Since the dawn of civilization man has a close relation with nature. Man has made friendship with trees. As such, trees play an important role in our life and economy. Planting trees is a noble work as trees and plants supply oxygen, the most vital thing for our survival. Continue...

108. Paragraph on Street Children

Street Children or street urchins are familiar figures in the streets of the third world country like Bangladesh. Most of them are the abandoned children of their parents. They are rootless. These are floating children of a country. Continue...

109. Paragraph on Our College Library

A library is a part and parcel of an educational institution. We are really proud of having a very rich library in our college. Our college library is a great attraction for us Continue...

110. Paragraph on Patriotism

Patriotism, an inherent quality in a man, is one of the noblest virtues. It means love for and devotion to one’s country. It inspires a man to do everything just and fair for the well-being of the country. Love Continue...

111. Paragraph on National Flag

A national flag is the symbol of independence and sovereignty of a free country. Every free nation of the world has its own national flag. Similarly, Bangladesh has also a national flag as she is an independent and sovereign country. Continue...

112. Paragraph on Early Rising

The habit of early rising provides a lot of benefits to the early riser. It is really a very good habit for a human being. A man who rises early in the morning can from many other good habits. Continue...

113. Paragraph on Sound Pollution

There are many causes of sound pollution having harmful effects on human body and mind. Sound pollution occurs when the vibration of sound is harsh, sharp and unpleasant to the ears. Acute sound pollution occurs in towns, cities and industrial areas. Continue...

114. Paragraph on E-learning

E-learning or electronic learning refers to using electronic applications and processes to learn. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms and digital collaboration. Continue...

115. Paragraph on Punctuality

Punctuality means to do the duty in its proper time. It is a very essential quality of life. It is considered to be the noblest of all virtues. It is the mark of a civilized and cultured people. It is the habit of doing things in correct time. Continue...

116. Paragraph on Global Warming

Global warning is one of the most talked topics of the present world. There are many reasons of global warming around the world and it has disastrous effects on us. Greenhouse effect is the main cause of global warming. Continue...

117. Paragraph on Changing Role of Women

No nation can achieve success without the participation of women in any society. Women can play a vital role in their family as well as in the society. They perform the duties of a mother, a wife, a home maker etc. It is a common belief that women should do these traditional duties. Continue...

118. Paragraph on Street Accident

Street accident is the most vulnerable, unexpected, intolerable incident in human life. It usually happens in a sudden happy moment and turns the happiness into sorrow and sufferings. Nowadays, Continue...

119. Paragraph on Baishakhi Mela I Visited

Baishakhi Mela I Visited Last year I went to the Baishakhi Mela at Ramna. I went there with my classmates. When we entered the fair, it was evening. I was surprised to see the decoration of the fair. The whole area was decorated with colourful lights and festoons. Continue...

120. Paragraph on My Favourite Teacher

Mr. K. Rahman is my most favourite teacher. He teaches us English. He has a unique quality to teach English. He presents his lesson in the class in a fantastic way that attracts all students. His nice pronunciation and art of speaking make the students spell-bound to give full attention to his lecture. Continue...

121. Paragraph on Festivals in Bangladesh

There are several popular festivals in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is mainly a Muslim country. But there are other religious groups living in the country as well. They are Hindus, Christians, Buddhists. Of course, a number of tribal people live in different areas of the country. Continue...

122. Paragraph on A Good Teacher

A teacher is one who proves herself/himself very much useful and ideal to the students. Actually a good teacher possesses a number of good qualities. She/he is a person of great learning. She/he appears before the students as a great personality with immense knowledge in various subjects of interest. Continue...

123. Paragraph on Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse effect is the curse of global warming. The rise in atmospheric temperature is known as the greenhouse effect. Our atmosphere is guarded by an ozone layer which resists the entrance of ultra-violet rays from the sun. Continue...

124. Paragraph on A Street Hawker

A street hawker is a person who hawks various things by moving from one street to another. He is a familiar figure in cities and towns; even he is seen in villages. He carries his goods on head, in hands or in a small hand-cart. Continue...

125. Paragraph on World Heritage Sites in Bangladesh

A World Heritage Site is a place (natural or cultural) recognised by the international community in the shape of the World Heritage Convention declared by UNESCO in 1972. It is historically and geographically important. Continue...

126. Paragraph on May Day

May 1st is International Workers' Day. This day commemorates the historic struggle of working people. The events of May 1, 1886 is a reminder that workers will continue to be exploited until they stand up and speak out to gain better working conditions, better pay and better lives. Continue...

127. Paragraph on Etiquette and Manners

There are two terms to describe our social behaviour — 'etiquette' and 'manners'. The first one is a French word. Etiquette means the rules of correct behaviour in society. Etiquette and good manners are essential to any civilization. Continue...