Answer: Nelson Mandela is an icon of the struggle for justice across the world. He was the great leader of anti-racist movement in South Africa. He freed South Africa from the shackles of apartheid and made it a multi-racial democratic country. He was imprisoned for nearly three decades for his fight against the white minority rule in South Africa. He never compromised with the tyrant rulers. He also never lost his resolve to fight. During those years, he was the world's most celebrated political prisoner. The white-led government tried their best to suppress the struggle but failed. At last the world community pressed them to surrender. They released Mandela and admitted to change the country's constitution. In 1993, Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and he became the country's first black President in 1994. He left public life in 2004. Nadine Gordimer, the Nobel laureate South African writer, wrote about him, "He is at the epicenter of our time, our in South Africa, and yours, wherever you are." In a statement given in 1963 at the Rivonia Trial, he said, "During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to the struggle of the African people." He is called "Madiba" by his countrymen. He is no more but everyone will remember him for his humanity, kindness and dignity
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