Answer: Beauty is an abstract idea which creates a great pleasure to the senses or to the mind of a person. In fact it is a feeling which pacifies one's mind and it varies from person to person. We find beauty in many things around us. Beauty is found in nature, in human character, in the kindness of a person, in the laughter of children etc. When we look at nature, we can enjoy natural beauty of mountain, sea, river, forests etc. The laughter of children, a great human character, the kindness of a person etc. create a feeling of pleasure to us. Everyone desires beauty throughout his/her whole life but there are no unmixed blessings in the world. Whenever we face any kind of ugliness, we strongly desire for beauty. Beauty is an important part of our life but we have to remember that ugliness is also a part of our life. People extensively feel the importance of beauty when it is absent from their life. When we see hunger, injustice, maltreatment, terrorism in our society, we seriously think of how to remove these evil things. The absence of beauty reveals its importance to a great extent. Beauty and truth are very closely related. Beauty is really desired by the people who always search for truth.
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