Answer: Gender discrimination is the practice of treating any gender of the society unfairly. When any person of one particular gender is not given his or her rights, gender discrimination begins. Female persons of our society are the worst (Pig Lvivc) sufferers of this discrimination. It starts from the very birth of a female child, and ends with her death. Our society is dominated by male people. They think that male child will earn money for the family and female child will do only domestic chores. So, male children always get prominence. They get the highest of the opportunities (myweav) available in the families. But, female children are assigned (Kg©vw`i `vwqZ¡ Ac©Y Kiv) to household works and are married off as soon as possible. So, they don't get opportunity to flourish their latent (myß) talent (cÖwZfv). Some of these girls may be at school but after marriage, they only give birth to children and rear them up. This disparity (AmgZv) causes a great harm to their mentality. They think themselves inferior (wbæZi ev nxbZi) to male people. But, for social development both male and female persons should contribute equally because the female people are the half of our whole population. It is not possible for male people to change the socio-economy without the help of female people. This problem can be solved by raising awareness in general.
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