Answer: The Modern Age is the age of science. We have had a tremendous advancement in the field of science and technology in the last one and a half century. The first remarkable work was the invention of electricity. The first house was lighted with electricity in the 1870s. Cars were first available about a century ago. The first trans-Atlantic flight was made in 1927. After the Second World War, television came to the people's doors. Scientists have now focused their attention on the growth of human longevity. Dr. Barney Clark made the Jarvik-7 the first artificial heart in 1982. It was intended to last a lifetime and was a huge step towards the development of heart transplant surgery. Cell phones made their appearance in the 1990s. Now more than 4.6 billion people around the world use cell phones. Personal computer became available to consumers in 1974. It is now used to get access to the Internet, do word processing, use a calculator, watch TV, play games and do many other things. Communication satellites support techno-based contact among people. Man has also reached the Moon. The Internet and Microchip have revolutionized information technology. Thus human civilization has achieved a new height through scientific revolution
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